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О себе
Работал в сфере уборки три года, судостроение, школы, квартиры. работала официанткой в ресторане. работала продавцом-консультантом в магазине. Мне 23 года, я живу в Турку, Финляндия, у меня есть все документы для работы и я могу водить автомобили категории B
I worked in the field of cleaning for three years, shipbuilding, schools, apartments. she worked as a service staff in a restaurant . she worked as a sales consultant in a store. I am 23 years old , I live in Turku , Finland , I have all the documents for work and I can drive category B vehicles
I worked in the field of cleaning for three years, shipbuilding, schools, apartments. she worked as a service staff in a restaurant . she worked as a sales consultant in a store. I am 23 years old , I live in Turku , Finland , I have all the documents for work and I can drive category B vehicles
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